I specialize in helping businesses and individuals optimize workflows by leveraging AI, cloud technologies, and other advanced tools. As a versatile professional, I can develop specialized expertise when required. I've collaborated with over 50 clients from more than 15 countries, successfully developing scalable AI systems and integrating them into existing workflows. I have a keen interest in reading personal development and business literature, understanding how technology scales, and experimenting with cloud platforms. I'm particularly fascinated by backend processing, big data, and Generative AI. In my spare time, I continuously explore new skills and technologies, always seeking the next exciting project.
Work Experience
DevOps and Cloud
Data Engineering & Visualization
Data Analytics
Artificial Intelligence
Check out some of my projects
Most of my work involves backend development. My expertise includes building solutions based on AI, data and automation. I've worked on a variety of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. Here are a few of my favorites.
Data Engineering and Analytics - Azure
Designed and Developed a Data Engineering Pipeline using Azure services to extract, process, and store data from a paginated API daily. Redacted PHI, removed PII, and assigned random IDs to patients to comply with HIPPA. Created PowerBI dashboards for analytics.
User, SSN Verification Flow - Veriff and Authentcate.com
Designed, developed and integrated Authenticate.com and Veriff into user flow verify criminal violations globally. Also built a workflow that automatically verifies SSN and other personal information.
Productionizing RAGs and Finetuning LLMs
Productionizing RAG systems by deploying them via fastAPI. Built customGPTs that can communicate with external vector databases and answer questions more precisely as compared to file uploads. Also finetuned LLMs(Both Closed and Opensource models) for specific use cases.
Also built AI agents capable of intelligently taking actions(Triggering APIs - FastAPI).
Check out my certifications
I've worked on a variety of projects. Here are some certifications to back up my expertise.
Check out my latest testimonials
I've worked with people on a variety of projects, developing solutions for a range of industries. Here's what they have to say.
I like building things
During my time in university, I attended 3+ hackathons. People from around the country would come together and build incredible things in 2-3 days. It was eye-opening to see the endless possibilities brought to life by a group of motivated and passionate individuals.
- 2
24h Claude Hackathon
Designed and developed a workflow that understands live video by using the audio transcriptions and mapping them to the image frames. - O
OpenAI Whisper
Developed a application where users could recite verses (Audio Input) of the Quran and get back the exact(most probable) verse number and chapter. (Used Pinecone, OpenAI embeddings, and FastAPI.) - L
LEAP 2024
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Developed a medical planner (Marham Route) that researches the best city for the treatment of a specific medical condition and prepares an iternary that includes best hospitals, stay, meals, post treatment recovery, liesure activites, flights, etc. all in a single platform.
Get in Touch
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